ISB 2025 Convention Presenter — franz Pillinger

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Name: franz Pillinger
Presentation Date: Unassigned
Presentation Venue: Not Scheduled Yet
Presentation Title: bASSdAdAsdAdAbASS - the re-dediscovery of the up&right db through Faki Callipha Rigida O - diva di ZOO in an artyleft place of Bi:valent intelligence.
Presented / Performed Previous ISB Convention? Yes
Type of Presentation: Other Performance
Genre: Other

fPI / Franz Pillinger "is for me the most creative and talented musician, composer, artist playing the contrabass today." Gary Karr.

As a bassplayer fPI performed with the Vienna Staatsopera-Ochestra (Philharmonics), as a solobass with Sandor Veghs "Camerata Academica Salzburg" -Prix de Disques four times running, with Andras Schiff, Radu Lupu, Mischa Maisky, Boris Belkin, Aurele Nicolet , Benny Bailey, Mike Longo , "Beni &Co" winning the Menuhin/Grapelli - award in Paris before he founded his db-quartet "Circus Bassissimus", the later "Franz Pillinger Bassquartet". With the quartet and as a soloist  he travelled the world - several times as guest/s at ISB-conventions. Highlitghts concerts in N.Y.s Carnegie Hall as a soloist & with bass quartet.

teaching brought him to Brasil, Vilnius, Munich and the USA (Columbia, Iowa, Indianapolis). His Salzburg Musikum-students periodically won 1st prizes at the Prima La Musica -Austrian award.

fPI got numerous national & international awards f.e. the ARD-Wettbewerb in 1985, the ISB composition Awards in Avignon and in Dallas. the ISB-magazin called him "champion of this kind of instrumentation" for more then 500 db-quartet arrangements. lately he got comissions from "Bassione Amorosa" & from the "Bavarian Statesopera". 

2024 he won the SALK-artsAward with his adaption of Mozarts "Kleine Nachtmusik".   


Program (if available): Not Provided