Luthier Directory

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You may click on any ISB member's name to view their full luthier profile.

Company Name
Manno, George Park Forest, IL
United States
Martin, Craig
Burton City Basses
Burton, MI
United States
Martin, Thomas Banbury, Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire
United Kingdom
Martin, Zachary
ZSM Restorations
Pawtucket, RI
United States
Masakowski, Martin new orleans, LA
United States
Mayrand, Jacques
Kingsbury, Quebec
McIntosh, Robert
Double Bass Repairs and Restorations
Cambridge, NY
United States
McKeon, Gael
Gael McKeon
Portland, ME
United States
McLachlan, Peter
Bassworks Australia
Adelaide, SA
Moehring, Mitch
Mitch Moehring Strings, LLC
Kilgore, TX
United States

10 records found.