ISB Convention Registration

In order to get you to the right place, please select the scenario that applies to you.

Scholarship Application

I am applying for a scholarship to attend the ISB 2025 Convention.


I'm a current member!

Please login to proceed.


I've never been a member

You have two options:

Click this button to join as a new member if you wish to join as something other than a Digital Member. This will walk you through the process of becoming a member. Once you finish renewing, you can come back here to complete your convention registration.

Join Now

Click this button to join as a new Digital Member as part of your convention registration. This will walk you through the process of becoming a member and joining ISB all at once.

Click here

I'm a lapsed member.

You have two options:

Click this button to maintain your lapsed membership type and profile. This will walk you through the renewal process, and once you finish renewing, you can come back here to complete your convention registration.


Click this button to renew as a Digital Member as a part of your convention registration. (You will no longer receive Bass World in the mail if you select this option.)

Switch to Digital + Register